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Development of integrated sensor module for a non-invasive respiratory monitoring system
Year of publication 2013
Title of paper Development of integrated sensor module for a non-invasive respiratory monitoring system
Authors Kang, S.-W. and Chang, K.-S.
Volume 84(9)
Pages 095004 - 1 - 9
Journal Review of Scientific Instruments
Link 관련링크 447회 연결
A respiratory monitoring system has been developed for analyzing the carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) concentrations in the expired air using gas sensors. The data can be used to estimate some medical conditions, including diffusion capability of the lung membrane, oxygen uptake, and carbon dioxide output. For this purpose, a 3-way valve derived from a servomotor was developed, which operates synchronously with human respiratory signals. In particular, the breath analysis system includes an integrated sensor module for valve control, data acquisition through the O2 and CO2 sensors, and respiratory rate monitoring, as well as software dedicated to analysis of respiratory gasses. In addition, an approximation technique for experimental data based on Haar-wavelet-based decomposition is explored to remove noise as well as to reduce the file size of data for long-term monitoring.